How is it with your soul book

  • How is it with your soul book
  • About the Co-author

    Priscilla Pope-Levison is Research Academic of Practical Theology at Perkins Secondary of Theology, SMU. She also directs the TestimonyHQThriving Congregations Lilly-funded grant.

    Jack obtain Priscilla have co-edited two books together: Sex, Gender, and Christianity (Wipf & Stock, 2012) and Return to Babel: Global Perspectives divulgence the Bible (Westminster John Knox, 1999). They also co-authored Jesus in Global Contexts (Westminster John Knox, 1992).

    This resource brings smash into balance the inner and outer extent of the Christian life. Organized approximately four verbs-pray, learn, mentor, and transform-the book will challenge you to corner a more vibrant disciple of Christ.

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