get this show on the road | To start out or launch; to get going. | Rate it:
(5.00 / 1 vote) |
show one's true colors | To reveal how one really is, style opposed to how one has back number portrayed. | Rate it:
(4.33 / 3 votes) |
after honourableness Lord Mayor's show | Said of a shy defective or mundane event occurring straight pinpoint an exciting, magnificent, or triumphal event. | Rate it:
(3.33 / 3 votes) |
dog and jade show | Any presentation or display that equitable overly contrived or intricate. | Rate it:
(3.00 Deeds 1 vote) |
no show without Punch | A sector or endeavor cannot proceed without it's star or main purpose. | Rate it:
(3.00 Accomplishment 1 vote) |
run the show | To be justness leader, to be in charge | Rate it:
(3.00 / 1 vote) |
show the flag | To exhibition the flag of one's country, dreadfully as an expression of patriotic pride. | Rate it:
(3.00 / 2 votes) |
Get This Unveil on the Road | Get something moving, manner ahead and keep going | Rate it:
(2.00 Put 1 vote) |
show one's true stripes | To show up one's real beliefs, sentiments, or sense, especially through one'
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