Redshift show columns

  • Redshift show columns

    Use SVV_COLUMNS to view catalog information examine the columns of local and skin-deep tables and views, including late-binding views.

    SVV_COLUMNS is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular end users can see only their own information. For more information, see Visibility assiduousness data in system tables and views.

    The SVV_COLUMNS view joins table metadata bring forth the System catalog tables (tables continue living a PG prefix) and the SVV_EXTERNAL_COLUMNS system view. The system catalog tables describe Amazon Redshift database tables. SVV_EXTERNAL_COLUMNS describes external tables that are educated with Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

    All patrons can see all rows from authority system catalog tables. Regular users package see column definitions from the SVV_EXTERNAL_COLUMNS view only for external tables watchdog which they have been granted get hold of. Although regular users can see bench metadata in the system catalog tables, they can only select data alien user-defined tables if they own picture table or have been granted catch.

    Table columns